Graduation - This Mom’s Perspective
My middle son, Evan, graduates tonight. And my emotions kind of snuck up on me. I mean, I know I’m an emotional person. Anyone who knows me knows my emotions are big. But I’ve been kind of busy or maybe just burying my feelings for self -preservation.
Inevitably, this milestone has me pausing, wondering where the time has gone, wishing for it to slow down. What happened to the days that he would see me get my running shoes from the closet and fall to pieces because the shoes meant I was leaving? I would tease him - telling him that we’re actually two people and didn’t have to be quite so close ALL the time?
But the truth is, this kid was built to fly. He was born independent. I vividly remember trying to feed him as a six-month-old baby. As soon as that spoon got close enough, he’d grab it and try to wrestle it from my hand - a battle that he ultimately won. Once I was worn down and just surrendered the spoon, I realized he just wanted to feed himself. I haven’t tried to stand in his way since.
After I surrendered the spoon…
A few months after I ceded the spoon, he was throwing his leg over the crib and climbing out to get on with the day. I took the training wheels off his bike shortly after his third birthday - they never touched the ground anyway. It was the tiniest bike I had ever seen without training wheels.
On a spring day in kindergarten, I put him on the bus and promised that I wouldn’t mulch the gardens without him. Practicing riding a “Rip Stick” until he could gracefully steer that thing anywhere. Working the whole summer he turned 16 to buy his first car - not wanting any help from us. I didn’t even notice when he stopped putting stuff in my cart and got his own Amazon account. Heck, he probably has Prime for all I know.
He’s never backed down from a challenge. He’s never been content to let anyone do for him what he can do for himself. He’s a good son and brother. He’s grown into this pretty cool human that I love to be around.
I know August is going to be a struggle for me. We’ll move him into college and my mom heart is going to ache. I’m going to miss him. But I’m so excited to see what he does. He’s going to love that newfound freedom and independence. He’s going to live it well, and I’m going to be his biggest cheerleader.
I know he’ll make mistakes and his trajectory from here won’t be a perfectly straight line. But I’m reluctantly pushing this kid from the nest with complete confidence. Confidence that when those mistakes are made, he will right his way. Confidence that he will ask for help when he needs it. Confidence that no matter what, he will figure it out and land on his feet. Confidence in his character and integrity. He’s ready for it. As a mom, what else could I ask for. Pass the tissues…