Candid Car Ride Conversations

You know the episode of Friends with guest star, Alec Baldwin? His character, Parker thinks everything is positive and amazing and magical? I love it. It’s one of my favorites.

I love how he takes the negative and turns it into a positive. Rather than seeing a traffic jam, he sees brake lights making ”everything aglow with the light of fairies.”

Parker is my spirit animal. I can be really enthusiastic. I might tame it for everyday life but in my heart, I get caught up in an amazing sunset, a clear blue sky, a good workout or a concert. That’s who I am in my soul.

I was driving with my youngest son and we were talking about some “stuff” that has been weighing on me. To be honest, the past two years have been full of “stuff.” A real kick in the ass. Some just the “natural cycle of life” stuff. And some stuff that keeps me up at night.

I told my son that even with all the heaviness, I’m still grateful and excited for each day. I’m still excited to feel sunshine on my face, walk with my dogs and hear live music. A cup of coffee in my newest, favorite mug feels like a vacation. Exploring a new town is an amazing adventure. I have the best friends and I love my job.

We chatted about living a full life and being up for anything. There’s so much to see, do and feel. We’re here to soak it all in. I want it all.

I said, “You know, I feel like you’re a lot like that.” And he is. He’s always up for anything. His life is pretty full. He loves living. He’s excited for things to come. There’s no grass growing under his feet - or whatever that expression is.

Then he said, “I feel like I got that from you. Like you passed it on to me somehow.”

I think that’s the nicest thing he’s ever said to me.”


Graduation - This Mom’s Perspective


National Donor Day